Sunday 27 July 2008

My First Blog....

my first blog begins......

What I need to write in here ar?
I think I want to explain why do I put my blog title as 'deep heart'..
'deep heart' this word which i choose because i hope i can share out what are inside my heart and mind. mmm...although deep heart sounds quite weird in english, but it sounds cool when it is in chinese,心深.

So, to go parallel to my blog title, i chose a heart template which it carries a quote 'trust your heart' which go very well with my title..and also its background colour is red==my favourite colour..haha

So, i reli hope that i can have time to share out what contain in my mind in this blog...opinions, experiences, emotions and so on....

As this is my starting point, i would wish myself good luck and 'gambatei'...haha...and also i want to share my merits of good deeds to all of beings, may you be well and happy...


Rainie-依婷 said...

What a nice and simple template! "Deep Heart", a good title.
Opinions, experiences, emotions..
Aunty will wait and see wat will you share out at here! :)